Build a model to determine if two people are blood-related based solely on images of their faces
Leveraging pre-trained Language models for Multidimensional Hostile post detection in Hindi
NLPLanguage modelHindi
GoogleDrive.jl provides support for downloading files from Google-Drive on top of Datadeps.
Implementation of google's A Lite BERT for Self-Supervised Learning of Language Representations in Julia-Flux
Development of project based on Energy and wind Analysis of Residential complex for Students and Professionals.
Leveraging Event Specific & Chunk Span features to Extract COVID Events - 1st at the leaderboard for EMNLP 2020
NLPDeeplearningSocial Computing
Summarizing my GSoC journey and the work done so far with Future goals and milestones
NLPDeeplearningLanguage Model
Illustrating the System for Named Entity Tagging based on Bio-Bert for medical industry.
Proposed Transformer Based Model for Identification of Hadronic Decays of Tau Leptons