Hitting the road
I am really pleased :relaxed: to share the news that my proposal got accepted in Google Summer of Code-2020 under The JuliaLang Organization.
It was all started at the end of December. I was in my kitchen making coffee. :coffee:
I phoned my friend Nikhil shah and while discussing with him, he told me to apply for GSoC. I had some decent experience in coding, and was interested in Natural language processing. After thinking for a while I decided to give it a shot and started taking advice from previous GSoCer. Ayush was one of them. He helped me with getting started . After going through lot of the organization I decided to apply in JuliaText (It is the JuliaLang organization that provides with packages to work with text).
I started going through offical documentation of Julia which is one of the best getting-started guide I have ever seen. It was well written and simple enough for people even from non-coding background to get started. Afterward I made my first PR on 22nd of December 2019 though it was oneliner. I kept adding and fixing Documentation in different repositories of JuliaText. Soon enough I started adding feature and also wrote the GoogleDrive.jl(Package to automate google drive download) in julia. I also made alot of other contribution in different repositories of julia until the end of the March.
On 15 march, I started working on my proposal. It was difficult, but the most intersting part for me. I went though alot of research paper in the field of Natural language Processing. Finally On march 28, I drafted and submitted my final porposal for JuliaText.
After all these hardwork and a complete month of mixed emotions, full of nervousness and excitement. Finally the day of judgement came. On may 4, at 11:31 IST I went to google summer of code site and searched for my name and voilĂ ! it was there.

I would like to thank my mentors Aviks & Ayushk4 for selecting me as student developer in Google summer of code. It would not have been possible without your support and the wonderful Julia community.
Here is the list of major thing i will be working on:
- ALBERT - Implementing Framework for ALBERT with easy access APIs to users
- Language model Interface - consisting of different Language model such as interpolated language models, MLE ngram model etc. inspired from nltk.lm.
Looking forward to a great time in the upcoming summers!
Special acknowledgement
Lakshya sharma and Nikhil shah: Thank you for supporting me throughout and listening to all my tantrums all along.