First sight of albert, the land of Transformers
I assume that you are familiar with the original implementation of BERT, if not please read the BERT paper before moving forward

An upgrade to BERT that advances the state-of-the-art performance on 12 NLP tasks
The success of ALBERT demonstrates the importance of identifying the aspects of a model that give rise to powerful contextual representations. By focusing improvement efforts on these aspects of the model architecture, it is possible to greatly improve both the model efficiency and performance on a wide range of NLP tasks
An ALBERT configuration similar to BERT-large has 18x fewer parameters and can be trained about 1.7x faster.
ALBERT is a “lite” version of Google’s 2018 NLU pretraining method BERT. It has fewer parameter than BERT.
1. Factorized Embedding Parameterization
ALBERT separated the Embedding matrix \(V\) x \(H\) to \(V\) x \(E\) and and \(E\) x \(H\) :
ALBERT uses a factorization of the embedding parameters, decomposing them into two smaller matrices. Instead of projecting the one-hot vectors directly into the hidden space of size H, we first project them into a lower-dimensional embedding space of size E and then project it to the hidden space. By using this decomposition, we reduce the embedding parameters from \(O\)(\(V\) x \(H\)) to \(O\)(\(V\)x\(E + E\)x\(H\))
2. Cross-layer parameter sharing
ALBERT uses cross-layer parameter sharing in Attention and FFN(FeedForward Network) to reduce the number of parameters:
weight-sharing has an effect on stabilizing network parameters. Although there is a drop for both metrics compared to BERT, they nevertheless do not converge to 0 even after 24 layers. This shows that the solution space for ALBERT parameters is very different from the one found by DQE.
3. Inter-sentence coherence loss
In Original BERT, creating is-not-next (negative) two sentences with randomly picking, however ALBERT uses negative examples the same two consecutive segments but with their order swapped:
we use a sentence-order prediction (SOP) loss, which avoids topic prediction and instead focuses on modeling inter-sentence coherence. The SOP loss uses as positive examples the same technique as BERT (two consecutive segments from the same document), and as negative examples the same two consecutive segments but with their order swapped.
Julia-Flux ALBERT Model
Implemented the ALBERT model in Julia to wrap Pretrained Weight released by google-research and allows fine-tuning. I have also converted google released weights to BSON (julia friendly formate) Our ALBERT model is very easy and similar to any of the other Flux layer in training
let’s see how to use it
first we load TextAnalysis
in julia
julia> using TextAnalysis
julia> using TextAnalysis.ALBERT
we are going to use DataDeps for handling download of pretrained models of ALBERT {base-v1/v2, largev1/v2, xlargev1/v2, xxlargev1/v2}
For now we are directly loading
other converted BSON pretrained Weights can be found here (Both Versions)
julia> using BSON: @save, @load
julia> @load "/home/iamtejas/Downloads/albert_base_v1.bson.tfbson" config weights vocab
julia> transformer = TextAnalysis.ALBERT.load_pretrainedalbert(config, weights)
3-element Array{Any,1}:
CompositeEmbedding(tok = Embed(128), segment = Embed(128), pe = PositionEmbedding(128, max_len=512), postprocessor = Positionwise(LayerNorm(128), Dropout(0.1)))
TextAnalysis.ALBERT.albert_transformer(Dense(128, 768), TextAnalysis.ALBERT.ALGroup(Stack(Transformer(head=12, head_size=64, pwffn_size=3072, size=768)), Dropout(0.1)), 12, 1, 1)
(pooler = Dense(768, 768, tanh), masklm = (transform = Chain(Dense(768, 128, gelu), LayerNorm(128)), output_bias = Float32[-5.345022, 2.1769698, -7.144285, -9.102521, -8.083536, 0.56541324, 1.2000155, 1.4699979, 1.5557922, 1.9452884 … -0.6403663, -0.9401073, -1.0888876, -0.9298268, -0.64744073, -0.47156653, -0.81416136, -0.87479985, -0.8785063, -0.5505797]), nextsentence = Chain(Dense(768, 2), logsoftmax))
julia> using WordTokenizers #we have albert_tokenizer residing in WordTokenizer
julia> sample1 = "God is Great! I won a lottery."
julia> sample2 = "If all their conversations in the three months he had been coming to the diner were put together, it was doubtful that they would make a respectable paragraph."
julia> sample3 = "She had the job she had planned for the last three years."
julia> sample = [sample1,sample2,sample3]
3-element Array{String,1}:
"God is Great! I won a lottery."
"If all their conversations in the three months he had been coming to the diner were put together, it was doubtful that they would make a respectable paragraph."
"She had the job she had planned for the last three years."
loading of tokenizer from WordTokenizer
Instead of using Wordpiece like BERT, most of new models like XLNET and ALBERT uses sentencepiece
unigram algorithm for subword tokenisation
From avaliable sentencepiece pretrained unigram models we are going to use albert_base_v1_30k-clean.vocab because we are loading same for transformers
julia> spm = load(ALBERT_V1,"albert_base_v1_30k-clean.vocab") # since we are using base_V1
WordTokenizers.Sentencepiecemodel(["<pad>", "<unk>", "[CLS]", "[SEP]", "[MASK]", "(", ")", "\"", "-", "." … "_archivist", "_obverse", "error", "_tyrion", "_addictive", "_veneto", "_colloquial", "agog", "_deficiencies", "_eloquent"], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 … -13.5298, -13.5298, -13.5298, -13.5299, -13.5299, -13.53, -13.5313, -13.5318, -13.5323, -13.5323])
As we know Transformers takes both tokens as well as segment indices Here, we are only working with model structure we will leave adding [CLS] and [SEP] token parts
I am also working on Preprocessing APIs to make it really easy for user
julia> s1 = ids_from_tokens(spm, tokenizer(spm,sample[1]))
julia> s2 = ids_from_tokens(spm, tokenizer(spm,sample[2]))
julia> s3 = ids_from_tokens(spm, tokenizer(spm,sample[3]))
julia> E = Flux.batchseq([s1,s2,s3],1)
julia> E = Flux.stack(E,1)
32×3 Array{Int64,2}:
14 14 14
2 2 2
5649 411 439
26 66 42
14 67 15
2 13528 1206
100 20 40
722 15 42
188 133 2036
14 819 27
1 31 1
1 60 1
1 84 1
1 234 1
1 22 1
1 22740 1
1 20600 1
1 10 1
The indices will be act as keys for loading pretrained embedding for each word or subword tokens
julia> seg_indices = ones(Int, size(E)...)
32×3 Array{Int64,2}:
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
We already know input embedding requires both segment and token indices.
the embedding
function itself handle position embedding (Thanks to Transformers )
so lets get pretrained embedding by using ids and segments as keys
julia> embedding = transformer[1]
juia> emb = embedding(tok=E, segment=seg_indices)
128×32×3 Array{Float32,3}:
[:, :, 1] =
0.215637 0.974126 0.923233 … -0.953364 -1.23193 -1.45834
0.382527 -0.440211 -0.493132 -0.450212 -0.497128 -0.664383
-1.06308 -0.596149 1.38881 -0.893396 -0.817059 -0.753805
0.0192553 -0.606222 -0.0422194 0.213562 0.366818 0.655723
-1.73208 -0.217243 0.329404 0.720658 0.467273 0.371431
1.44428 0.352459 -0.307714 … 0.729 0.681432 0.574053
-2.87975 1.02795 -1.55634 -0.0406037 -0.331129 -0.634261
0.888469 2.01966 0.139051 -1.54702 -1.5215 -1.46764
0.423823 0.10119 -1.7348 -1.40969 -0.998497 -0.439296
0.519439 0.50028 1.78553 1.24271 0.801729 0.306854
-2.73993 -2.15839 -0.950032 … -0.726077 -1.00341 -1.15917
-0.739749 -0.58749 0.697434 2.10209 1.90288 1.72213
-2.06217 -1.16219 1.14314 1.72633 1.4998 1.32549
⋮ ⋱ ⋮
-1.02152 -0.617795 -0.584283 -1.21236 -1.60555 -2.02886
0.590658 0.308233 -2.58624 0.18208 -0.327743 -0.678027
0.565229 0.311107 1.38155 -0.111639 0.160319 0.460262
0.545883 -0.199483 -0.870848 -4.24455 -4.20667 -4.14337
2.15259 0.0522619 1.29933 … -0.0296104 -0.0392038 -0.0438145
-0.433061 -0.985746 0.175664 0.368157 0.616549 0.803371
0.00152145 0.997358 0.50851 -0.440633 -0.85439 -0.964204
2.71532 -0.906451 1.05152 -1.44782 -1.46486 -1.43477
1.82701 1.27142 -0.359613 1.04111 0.849804 0.684699
-2.36265 -1.24984 0.74318 … 1.06401 1.02021 1.00714
-0.00173678 -1.83543 0.705052 -2.21205 -2.00926 -1.76395
1.65709 -1.17497 1.70831 -1.07015 -1.11008 -0.99317
[:, :, 2] =
0.215637 0.974126 -2.42081 … 1.54524 0.237261 -0.911703
0.382527 -0.440211 -0.86025 -0.914859 -0.779649 0.207117
-1.06308 -0.596149 2.62228 -1.1039 1.05774 -2.34221
0.0192553 -0.606222 0.414787 -1.73591 -1.3431 -0.440628
-1.73208 -0.217243 -0.437847 -0.796834 0.618275 0.38779
1.44428 0.352459 1.23649 … 0.152725 0.955321 0.123936
-2.87975 1.02795 -3.16862 1.73907 -2.82513 -0.256108
0.888469 2.01966 -1.2917 -1.07269 -0.537269 0.075918
0.423823 0.10119 2.23237 -1.66915 -1.67471 0.012503
0.519439 0.50028 -0.101554 1.35643 1.18131 0.101195
-2.73993 -2.15839 -1.61688 … 0.627917 2.14858 -2.00197
-0.739749 -0.58749 -1.4243 0.880429 1.36264 1.42438
-2.06217 -1.16219 0.640386 0.935937 -0.365015 2.21704
⋮ ⋱ ⋮
-1.02152 -0.617795 -1.05234 -0.334482 -1.4045 0.210466
0.590658 0.308233 0.821547 1.21049 -1.18044 -1.63386
0.565229 0.311107 1.09554 0.619731 -1.56184 0.857222
0.545883 -0.199483 -0.171578 0.169927 0.552766 -3.30788
2.15259 0.0522619 0.622951 … 1.77554 -2.0677 1.34322
-0.433061 -0.985746 0.762181 -1.2847 -0.0238061 0.59986
0.00152145 0.997358 -0.498533 3.38914 -1.50944 -0.203017
2.71532 -0.906451 1.66836 -0.822932 -1.21968 -1.71859
1.82701 1.27142 2.1175 0.95669 -0.652382 -1.59357
-2.36265 -1.24984 0.510399 … -1.01326 0.230851 -0.992337
-0.00173678 -1.83543 -1.33135 -0.863463 -0.460078 -2.36823
1.65709 -1.17497 -0.91338 -0.729243 -1.3999 1.49278
[:, :, 3] =
0.215637 0.974126 -0.225817 … -0.953364 -1.23193 -1.45834
0.382527 -0.440211 -1.56297 -0.450212 -0.497128 -0.664383
-1.06308 -0.596149 1.76136 -0.893396 -0.817059 -0.753805
0.0192553 -0.606222 0.63075 0.213562 0.366818 0.655723
-1.73208 -0.217243 -0.64694 0.720658 0.467273 0.371431
1.44428 0.352459 -1.68997 … 0.729 0.681432 0.574053
-2.87975 1.02795 -1.09577 -0.0406037 -0.331129 -0.634261
0.888469 2.01966 -1.05314 -1.54702 -1.5215 -1.46764
0.423823 0.10119 -0.0889101 -1.40969 -0.998497 -0.439296
0.519439 0.50028 1.43852 1.24271 0.801729 0.306854
-2.73993 -2.15839 -1.82027 … -0.726077 -1.00341 -1.15917
-0.739749 -0.58749 -0.698298 2.10209 1.90288 1.72213
-2.06217 -1.16219 -1.95819 1.72633 1.4998 1.32549
⋮ ⋱ ⋮
-1.02152 -0.617795 1.02958 -1.21236 -1.60555 -2.02886
0.590658 0.308233 -1.30594 0.18208 -0.327743 -0.678027
0.565229 0.311107 -0.594398 -0.111639 0.160319 0.460262
0.545883 -0.199483 0.514127 -4.24455 -4.20667 -4.14337
2.15259 0.0522619 0.0675038 … -0.0296104 -0.0392038 -0.0438145
-0.433061 -0.985746 -0.513366 0.368157 0.616549 0.803371
0.00152145 0.997358 1.42222 -0.440633 -0.85439 -0.964204
2.71532 -0.906451 0.384201 -1.44782 -1.46486 -1.43477
1.82701 1.27142 -1.15566 1.04111 0.849804 0.684699
-2.36265 -1.24984 -1.98358 … 1.06401 1.02021 1.00714
-0.00173678 -1.83543 0.815664 -2.21205 -2.00926 -1.76395
1.65709 -1.17497 0.843728 -1.07015 -1.11008 -0.99317
ALBERT Transformer
Above we have embedding corresponding to input indices
lets pass the embedding through AlbertTranformer to get contextualised_embedding
julia> contextualised_embedding = transformer[2](emb)
voilà we got Contextualised embedding below
768×32×3 Array{Float32,3}:
[:, :, 1] =
0.304567 0.405941 0.326642 … 0.527699 0.53062 0.535387
0.765856 1.05468 0.581975 0.902422 0.923356 0.910047
0.760675 0.440686 1.81601 0.665885 0.615429 0.596886
-0.0437517 -0.464514 -0.133041 -0.0119426 0.0575484 0.0867782
0.438816 -0.0251722 0.686429 0.80559 0.805196 0.780889
0.0296612 -0.685908 0.21051 … -0.175856 -0.189034 -0.196193
0.646657 1.67699 0.259575 0.684573 0.667937 0.646987
0.267509 1.71205 0.686641 0.999966 1.0456 1.06525
-0.0601687 -0.354132 -0.886672 -0.617012 -0.610717 -0.594557
-0.364813 -0.159958 -0.996861 -0.187835 -0.205887 -0.215373
0.988467 1.11282 1.00583 … 0.78229 0.908326 0.959077
0.0731863 -0.432719 0.150405 0.585053 0.49542 0.441913
0.15807 -0.490142 -0.405144 0.355488 0.33691 0.322694
⋮ ⋱ ⋮
-0.61483 -0.321608 -0.396901 -0.836611 -0.853394 -0.865005
-0.0746915 0.738938 0.832527 0.342028 0.363095 0.365716
-0.655902 -1.1607 -1.03446 -0.329239 -0.297827 -0.290003
-0.174335 -0.143617 -0.398854 -0.528827 -0.561043 -0.585855
-1.07943 -1.33676 -1.64727 … -0.709648 -0.729482 -0.749425
-0.26735 0.51161 -0.178264 -0.526058 -0.522488 -0.503441
-0.0936105 0.775895 -0.531953 0.591429 0.477617 0.428794
-0.41692 -0.290545 -0.37668 -0.810094 -0.902085 -0.958635
-1.44747 -0.655274 0.0473042 -1.65663 -1.70124 -1.72883
-0.451427 -1.83576 -0.306356 … -1.21235 -1.20466 -1.18371
0.624991 0.149222 0.725459 0.518492 0.579501 0.592086
-0.440716 0.428943 0.599384 -0.336462 -0.38008 -0.395833
[:, :, 2] =
-0.09183 -0.131673 -0.0800453 … 0.173828 0.658507 0.701122
-0.212849 0.425527 0.468926 -0.0383679 -0.254274 -0.0674611
-0.341473 -0.734532 0.511896 -0.411946 0.0223538 0.465937
-0.567055 -0.482274 -0.578492 -1.64395 -0.918566 -1.23404
-0.0708104 -0.59162 0.669678 0.321576 1.18997 0.353643
-0.0727395 -0.0380078 0.356677 … 0.726067 0.455232 -0.426506
1.07172 1.92992 1.11336 0.585416 -1.38213 0.764737
-0.0939165 1.50271 0.300908 -0.608412 -0.663113 0.571664
0.934051 -0.303075 0.715795 0.201148 0.378836 0.556202
1.15065 1.58561 1.01433 0.123385 0.436604 0.416501
0.385488 0.836604 -0.429251 … 1.30753 -0.948893 0.815243
-0.262729 -1.29692 -0.795957 0.492651 0.310448 -0.779165
-0.182217 -0.979907 -0.463309 -0.604354 0.542724 -1.3294
⋮ ⋱ ⋮
0.313161 0.297878 0.238105 -1.24137 -0.959478 -0.116641
-0.212055 0.738047 0.413007 0.364323 -0.160887 -0.25063
0.347592 0.115097 -0.10026 -0.299359 -0.711259 -0.252505
0.0245221 -0.190721 0.824076 -1.36732 -1.30632 0.85736
0.251426 -0.0943026 0.19253 … 0.456811 0.0460289 0.700604
-0.792393 -0.963726 -0.707541 -1.5676 -1.30831 -1.06157
-0.78274 -0.218586 -0.905263 -0.0916421 -0.39057 -0.315191
-0.255523 -0.509181 0.0483524 0.51547 -0.299128 -0.54637
-2.5418 -2.05595 -1.71871 0.58241 -0.680839 -3.12875
0.0385001 -0.665508 -0.385825 … -0.494911 -0.0957252 -0.558129
0.511562 0.140494 0.752053 -0.387508 -0.0610264 0.639027
-0.988561 -0.974358 -0.338162 -0.871169 -1.64719 -1.42307
[:, :, 3] =
-0.464287 0.444703 0.332893 … 0.674975 0.69247 0.707714
1.01715 0.517691 0.078989 0.692509 0.75075 0.755857
-0.149221 -0.315486 0.943656 0.896174 0.823444 0.786195
-0.775787 -0.575133 -0.768595 0.114394 0.155716 0.157084
-0.763795 0.167911 0.860362 0.478681 0.448441 0.438333
0.696022 -1.07504 0.214933 … -0.923638 -0.924721 -0.921711
0.553646 1.40984 1.25859 0.903849 0.887553 0.890889
-0.788586 0.565872 -0.174171 0.592233 0.678486 0.703608
0.917794 -0.290047 0.270431 -0.577756 -0.557005 -0.531713
0.0703508 0.718436 0.524612 -0.106808 -0.161638 -0.198985
1.83724 1.25059 0.441462 … 0.717154 0.842766 0.873928
-1.00134 -1.23632 -0.182 0.975941 0.873459 0.825883
0.469249 -0.668738 -0.176839 -0.00468119 -0.0277034 -0.0290249
⋮ ⋱ ⋮
-1.23669 -0.380987 -1.42546 -1.55032 -1.53026 -1.51031
0.208317 0.0787398 0.419125 0.865003 0.916697 0.938971
-0.626502 -0.560398 -0.64055 -0.569054 -0.532433 -0.525647
0.374139 -0.852387 0.234086 -0.76758 -0.827931 -0.849001
-0.499433 -0.115525 -1.0104 … -0.357703 -0.374017 -0.408415
-0.930513 -0.615282 -1.221 -0.550265 -0.580068 -0.5931
0.812305 -0.594478 -1.84857 0.303941 0.145331 0.0992277
0.103422 -0.172053 0.0998552 -0.925473 -1.03992 -1.10758
-1.46715 -1.21069 -0.278395 -1.86522 -1.91097 -1.96085
-0.464279 -1.01199 0.0595983 … -1.23196 -1.19695 -1.17389
-0.463837 -0.709276 1.26165 -0.606749 -0.481565 -0.447495
-0.407867 0.342045 0.423647 -0.871686 -0.89004 -0.880378
we also have loaded weight of MLM classifier and SOP classifier used for pretraining
MLM layer with loaded pretrained weights
julia> cls = transformer[3][1] #for mlm tasked and transformer[3][2] is pooler layer
(transform = Chain(Dense(768, 128, gelu), LayerNorm(128)), output_bias = Float32[-5.345022, 2.1769698, -7.144285, -9.102521, -8.083536, 0.56541324, 1.2000155, 1.4699979, 1.5557922, 1.9452884 … -0.6403663, -0.9401073, -1.0888876, -0.9298268, -0.64744073, -0.47156653, -0.81416136, -0.87479985, -0.8785063, -0.5505797])
Sentence Order Prediction loaded layer
julia> cls = transformer[3][3] #for Sentence order prediction
Chain(Dense(768, 2), logsoftmax)
You can also get code in IPYNB Here